
Richard can provide psychological consultancy to your company, regarding products, brands or services aimed at children and/or their families. This consultancy can be in varied forms, including:
PR & Media Representation
You may have a product, brand or service and you require a child and family psychologist to represent your company in interviews with press, radio or television. This assures that the image you want to convey has solid psychological backing.

Radio Days
You may want to construct a "radio day" for promoting your company, brand, product or service to local radio stations throughout the country, with the added value of a psychological perspective. This places your message in the context of child and family psychology.

Research Survey
You may have conducted a survey concerning the views of children, parents or grandparents and seek a psychological perspective on the findings, in order to promote your company, brand, product or services. This adds an authoritative, psychological context to your survey.

Product Appraisal
You may have a child-centred product or toy that you want to launch with the confidence of a thorough psychological appraisal backing your campaign. This offers you a confident, eye-catching press release which sets your product in a secure, authoritative psychological context.


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